Benefits of Plyometric Training

If you want to add more energy to your exercise routine, what you need is plyometric training. Plyometrics are also called plyos, and they consist of powerful and fast movements. These exercises improve the working of your nervous system and thus improve your overall performance in sporting events.

They involve relaxing and contracting muscles in fast sequences, making use of elasticity, innervations, and strength of tissues and muscles that are involved in running faster, jumping higher, and throwing farther. Thus plyometrics are especially useful for track and field athletes. Plyos raise the force and speed of your muscle contractions, leading to higher explosive power that is needed in sports activities.

Track and field events aren’t the only sports that need plyos. Soccer, rugby, racket sports, martial arts, and basketball also make use of plyometrics, in fact every sport can benefit to some extent from plyometric training.

There are many benefits of plyometrics, like:

  • Enhanced Performance

Since plyometrics can boost your running speed, your performance can improve a lot. Even if you are involved in an activity that does not involve running, plyos can still help you, because you can be better at throwing farther or punching harder. Plyometric training can help you achieve almost all athletic goals.

  • Muscle Power

With plyos, the strength of your arm and leg muscles would be enhanced by a higher rate of force development, thereby guaranteeing a rise in muscular power and force.

  • Burning Calories

As your muscles become bigger, stronger and improve in its endurance capabilities, you will burn calories at a higher rate. Plyometric exercises would increase your metabolism so you will burn more calories even when you are at rest. Since muscle maintenance needs more energy than fat maintenance, you will burn more calories with each activity.

  • Endurance

If you have a competition coming up, plyos can help you beef up your stamina very specifically for that major event. Plyometric exercises can be used to enhance power endurance, power is an important performance indicator and when this type of endurance is developed, you are able to perform at a higher intensity for longer.

Plyometric training can also teach the endurance athlete to produce muscular force more efficiently; this efficiency is realized through the body learning to produce more force for less energy expenditure. Thus this saving in energy cost can be recouped towards the end of any endurance type activity i.e. the energy savings made during the beginning of the competition is now available in abundance for the end game.

It is this that makes it possible for endurance athletes to benefit from doing plyometric training.

Benefits of Plyometric Training
  • No Extreme Equipment

As you already know, exercising equipment is expensive. Plyometrics does not require you to buy any such equipment. You can use the things that are lying around your house and complete your exercise routine with them.

  • For All Needs

Plyometrics can be calibrated according to anyone’s needs. You can jump on trampoline or use a jump rope. You can even get two platforms and jump on them back and forth. The right plyometric training would depend upon your needs and your fitness level.

Read more:

Use Plyometric Exercises for Power and Speed
Many coaches and athletes make use of plyometric exercises to enhance speed and power. Plyometrics can also be used to improve agility and coordination for better athletic performance.

What is Plyometrics?
What is plyometrics? The aim of all strength training methods is help the sport person to jump higher or further, to run faster, throw further and lift heavier.

Plyometric Mat - Why Buy One?
A plyometric mat is made to take care of your feet, hips, knees, and ankles while you exercise by reducing the shock to those joints.

The Best Plyometric Exercises
The best plyometric exercises are ones which meets the very specific needs of the athlete and their event/sport.

5 Benefits of Plyometrics
There are many benefits of training with plyometric exercises, the key one being the development of power. But there are many more...

Plyometric Workouts to Propel You to The Top
If you want to know exactly how to training using plyometric workouts, you should check out the video demonstrations in this article.

Explode Into Plyometrics Exercises
Plyometric training is about developing explosive force to jump far or sprint faster. This article explains how to do that and show you how.

Plyometric Platforms
Not all plyometric platforms are created equal. To get the most from your plyometric training you need to train with boxes that meet your specific needs.

A Plyometric Workout
Before you can get serious with your plyomtric workout, you have to be conditioned to take the work load. Use this proven method to lay the foundation for you plyometric training.

Plyometric Box
Find out why wooden plyometric box is the most versatile type of box to use for your power training.

Plyometric Boxes
Looking for a way to improve your power? Wondering how to make the best use of plyometric boxes? Then look no further!

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